Early Saturday morning our precious Noah finally decided to arrive! If you know me or have been following my pregnancy, you know that I was and always have been terrified of childbirth. Come to think of it, I'm scared of a lot of things. Too many things. Here's how everything turned out...
I had a regular OB visit on Thursday January 2, my original due date. It was a typical visit, heartbeat and cervix check. At this time I was 3cm dilated and 80% effaced. I had dilated 1cm more than my previous visit. Other than the normal pregnancy symptoms, I felt nothing out of the ordinary. That afternoon I felt a bit crampy and uncomfortable, which for me, was nothing to be alarmed about. After all, cervix checks aren't the most enjoyable things. However, the next day I continued to feel cramps and pain in my pelvis. Around noon I started to time the pain, unsure if they were even contractions. You see, my great auntie tried to convince me they weren't. She has given birth three times, though the last was about fifty years ago, and knows exactly what it should feel like. I told her everyone's body is unique and that we all deal with pain differently. She concurred, but of course didn't really agree. Six o'clock finally rolled around and my contractions were coming every five minutes. At this time I decided to go to the hospital.
It was around seven o'clock at night by the time I got to the hospital and was admitted. I was in triage for a bit while they checked to confirm I was in active labor. And sure enough, I was. My water broke when my OB was checking my cervix and I was then given an IV. I was officially being moved to labor and delivery! After my water broke my contractions started to come every two minutes and they were becoming quite painful. I knew I was getting an epidural but not until I was moved to l&d. That felt like forever. By the time I was in my room, I was holding tight onto the rail and crawling up the bed. I was finally given the epi at around 10pm and by midnight I was ready to push.

here's one last shot of me while Noah was still safely nestled inside
My epidural was turned off and by the time Noah was ready to make his appearance, I was feeling everything. After a grueling hour and a half, my little one was finally here!

Mommy and Daddy were finally able to hold little one after patiently waiting for the last 10 months! I remember thinking to myself while pushing that I wasn't going to be able to do this. The pain was so excruciating. And although the dream of holding Noah in my arms was within reach, I was unsure if my body was going to be able to hold on. I remember not even being able to hold my legs. If it wasn't for Jon and the nurse, I'm sure my legs would have gave out. A short hour and a half later Noah was on my chest, his cord being cut by daddy. It was so beautiful. It was more than I ever imagined.

We're a family now and I can't wait for all the things to come...
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