I'm 19 weeks pregnant.

.. and my bohk-soong-ah is about the size of a mango!
I'm imagining its a cute little apple mango. As I look down at my belly, it's seriously hard to imagine my baby is rapidly growing inside me. I can only imagine where all my organs are moving to in order to make room. My belly has popped out just a little bit more. As far as cravings go I haven't had any major changes. I still can't stand meat and I'm still craving fruit and raw veggies. This morning I had some soup and a hard boiled egg. My granny doesn't let me forget my eggs. I feel some discomfort and tension in my lower belly and it's starting to feel a bit firm as well. I haven't felt any movement, least I don't think I have, but i'm eagerly waiting. All in all, I feel great.
In twelve days I have my next doctor's appointment and my fetal anatomy scan. You know what that means!! Jon and I finally get to find out the gender of our baby. Of course we will be happy with either, but Jon and I are hoping for a girl. Jon comes from a family with mostly boys. His father has multiple siblings.. ALL BOYS. Hubby's brothers all had boys. His sister had a girl but we all know it's the father whose juices determine the sex. It's about time for a girl!! His sister is hoping it's a girl so her daughter Katelyn would have a play date! My mother and great aunt are hoping for a girl. My granny on the other hand.. BOY BOY BOY! I'm assuming this is because she lost her son at a very young age due to illness. So either way, we'll be happy.
Pregnancy could not have come at a better time. I'm at a point in my life where I'm much more mature and situated and Jon and I are both ready for bohk-soong-ah. Another reason why my baby is such a blessing: my grandma. Granny is getting older. She's in her late eighties, but is underweight, has high blood pressure, and diabetes. Her only wish is to see her great grandchild. She tells me every time we speak that she is eating full healthy portions. I would hope she is doing that already but she is being very health conscious these days. I love it! I grew up with both my grandma and great grandma. That bond I shared with my great granny is something not too many people get to experience. I feel so lucky.
Everything in my life, my family's all together, has been going great. My mom has sold her store in Korea and will be moving up to Seoul any day now. She has been on a couple television interviews and has had rave ratings. By the looks of it, she might be appearing on tv more often now. As I've mentioned before, granny has been happier and healthier. God is good and life is sweet.
Happy Friday friends!
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