I'm 24.5 weeks pregnant.

...and bohk-soong-ah is now the size of a cantaloupe!
I apologize I haven't posted in quite a few weeks. I was without a computer most of the time. 24 weeks along and my belly has popped out. Still nothing crazy, but definitely more than an "ate too much pasta dinner" tummy. I feel little one kicking much more often now. I don't think I'll ever get use to it. Bohk-soong-ah gives me little taps when hungry and when hearing daddy's voice. It's amazing. Jon got home the other night and as he had his hand on my belly he said to little bohk-soong-ah, "Daddy's home, can you give me a little kick?". He kicked! A couple times in fact. You should have seen Jon's face.
I still feel pretty tired. I was really hoping it would subside a bit by now. I have so much to do to prepare for little one's arrival. I think we spent close to two hours in Buy Buy Baby over the weekend checking out all the different strollers. And let me tell you, there are way too many. Way too many.
My nails are pretty strong now due to the prenatal vitamins but my hair still looks the same. Not too much of a healthy glow.
Okay so the news you've been waiting for.
At our 21 week anatomy scan we found out the gender of our bohk-soong-ah. We were so happy to find out little one was healthy and everything checked out perfectly. Bohk-soong-ah wasn't turning in any favorable positions so we were there for quite a while. We also got to watch for about 15-25 more minutes while they tested a new ultrasound machine. Yay for us!
So after finding out the gender of our little bohk-soong-ah we rushed home to make our gender reveal cards. I found this cute idea online to make a lottery style scratch reveal. It was pretty simple to make. All we did was print out what we wanted on card stock and use contact paper and some paint to make the scratch part. And voila! DIY scratch gender reveal cards!

Drum roll please! Our precious Bohk-soong-ah is a... BOY!!!

Please wave Hello to baby Bohk-soong-ah!
We have started to paint his little nursery as well and as things progress I'll keep you posted.
Be well.
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