It seems as if it's been forever since I've posted. Probably so because it has. A lot has been happening for our little family. If you couldn't tell from the title of this post, we're now officially Jersey.
Life still has it's challenges. Babies still fuss, mommas are still terrified, and dads are overwhelmed. But we're getting settled into our new home and we couldn't be happier. Nonetheless, we've been at our new house now for about a month and a half now and we are nowhere near done painting or unpacking.
Overall, things are just.. great! I couldn't think of a better place to raise Noah. There's so much for us to do here and there are so many young families and babies for Bohk to socialize with. He and I have joined a local meetup and have been attending many baby friendly events and playdates. Just the other day we met up with another mommy at the park and before that Noah and I went to a baby sing-a-long at the local library. Everything from Whole Foods to Hobby Lobby is close by. Not to mention there are plenty of restaurants. I suppose my only gripe would be that everything closes early here. Many stores even close on Sundays. I guess coming from New York I'm going to have to get use to a more suburban area.
Noah is doing well here too! He has transitioned from his "mermaid dance" (this is where he lays on his belly, lifts both his arms, and kicks his legs out) to almost crawling. He now smooshes his head into the floor and uses his knees and legs to push off and away! He's desperate to crawl. Desperate. He could care less if he falls on his face every time. Noah is determined. He's also an efficient roller. Baby proofing, if not before, is now a major priority.
Jon is a tad bit further from work but nothing we can't handle. He's super excited about our new place. Absolutely in love with our backyard and is BBQ crazy. So far, we're spending our weekends painting and slowly getting our place in order. Last weekend however, we spent the day out and about. We went shopping and took a nice stroll in downtown Montclair. Downtown Montclair has plenty to eat and lots of shops to visit. Not to mention, this great Cuban place we found. Great food and good atmosphere. It was a bit crowded though. Was to be expected on a sunny Saturday afternoon.
For all the months I've missed here is a quick photo collage of my Bohk.

I still can't believe how much he's changed. One minute he looks like Jon, then he starts to resemble me, all to just return to the spitting image of daddy.
Noah is now 7.5 months old. At his last doctors appointment he weighed in at 15.6lbs and 26 inches. Developmentally we're also in a whole new world. The doctor said that he's still too young to know the idea of permanence. She used the example of: if you put a toy down in front of him and then put a blanket right over it, he'll still be looking for the toy instead of realizing it's still right in front of him.
So naturally when I got home, I tried it. I put down his Sophie and placed his taggies blanket right over it. He moved away the blanket, grabbed Sophie, and looked at me like I was stupid. I knew it! He's obviously the smartest baby ever. ;] *takes off mommy goggles*
Given the above, he knows when I leave his side. He knows he's alone. Let the tantrums commence. If he's hungry or tired there is no putting him down at all. I wouldn't hear the end of his screams of bloody murder. If I were to put him down, I try to stay within sight or at least earshot so he would know I'm not far. Epic Fail.
If I had to pick just one cute thing he does lately it's reaching out for us. When daddy comes home, he looks at him nonstop turning his head and leaning. He also knows his mommy of course and reaches his arm out towards me. So precious!
Noah is truly, honestly, definitely, the most handsome, smart, calm, stubborn, wonderful little man ever.
I leave you with this...

It was an awesome feeling when i found out that i am pregnant, i could not believe myself, after trying for 5 years now, finally i have been able to be called a proud mother of my baby boy. my husband is glad too, by standing by my side all through the struggles of infertility with strong feeling we will achieve this together. i am giving this hint to couples who are struggling with infertility, your time as come as well, with the help of Dr Micheal Casper pregnancy prescription medicine, herbal remedy, which i myself use to get pregnant with few weeks of using it as directed by the doctor. you can also have a child to call your own. this is the doctor contact