I'm 21.5 weeks pregnant.

... and bohk-soong-ah is the size of a pomegranate!
Once again everything has stayed the same. Only difference is that I've gained two pounds, possibly more. Depends on when I weigh myself. Sometimes I fear I am gaining weight too fast. I gained close to nothing up until my 16-17th week, so I try not to worry. Another exciting thing: kicks! I know i've mentioned before that I have felt bohk-soong-ah kick, but I am feeling them regularly now. Nothing big but small little love taps. I never imagined it to be so comforting. It's like bohk-soong-ah is saying hello.
I'm dying to give you my 20 week anatomy scan update that I was so looking forward to but, that'll have to wait. (So much to tell!)
Cloth diapers, cloth diapers, cloth diapers!
So, Jon and I have been discussing from the beginning of our pregnancy about cloth diapering. I must admit I was totally confused at first (maybe even still), but am totally amazed. I know cloth diapering is becoming more popular among mothers but most people I know still can't imagine why I would even consider attempting such a task. I've heard things like it's dirty, expensive, and even "too much work". How much is "too much" when it comes to your child? Can that term even apply? Everyone has their own methods that are right for them and their child. I definitely don't expect people to agree with me. But I do expect that they respect my decision and not criticize.
Okay anyways, on to the exciting part. After months of research and trying to educate myself as much as possible about cloth diapers, I have started my stash!

These are brand new discontinued bumGenius deluxe bamboo fitted diapers. The lot came with six newborn and 23 small. It also came with three newborn litewrap covers and 11 small. The covers do have gussets but they are on the looser side because they are full cut. Great even for bigger babies and bulkier diapers. This all cost me $100. I absolutely love these diapers. Besides being so cute, they are super soft. And from what I hear from many reviews very absorbent. I love prints on diapers but nothing compares to a clean white/cream colored one. So natural. I can't wait to try these out!
Because I'm a WAHM, I knew that for the most part I will be with my baby at home. These fitteds are in no way waterproof without the cover but they are super breathable and will give my baby's bum some breathing time.
I plan to get a variety of kinds to see what will work with the baby and I and at what times. I am sure I want to get prefolds and some pockets. I will definitely update you as my stash grows.
Until next time...
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