This week i'm 20 weeks pregnant.

..and our bohk-soong-ah is about the size of a banana!
I can't believe i'm halfway through my pregnancy. I have to admit the first 20 weeks were not that long. I can only imagine how fast the second half will go now that we'll be busy setting up the nursery and buying things to get ready for little one. AHhhHhhh! I'm on my fifth day of my 20th week and so far I've been feeling pressure and tightness in my belly. Nothing to worry about but definitely a weird feeling. My back is killing me and sleeping without a body pillow is something I can't even fathom.
This week hasn't brought much change in my diet or moods. However, there are a couple things that makes this week super special.
1. I felt bohk-soong-ah kick for the first time last friday! Oh gosh. I suppose I could have felt little one before but I could never be sure. But ever since that night I've been feeling little taps and flutters. Nothing big where you could actually see but I could definitely tell it was bohk-soong-ah saying hi. Jon was able to feel it one night.. you should have seen his face. Priceless.
2. Our anatomy scan is in 2 days!!!! I haven't seen bohk-soong-ah since my 10 week ultrasound and hubby and I are both so anxious to see sweet pea. Besides that, we get to find out the gender!! Oh gosh oh gosh! I have to admit, throughout my whole pregnancy I've been so convinced its a boy that finding out the gender wasn't such a big deal to me. I was just happy that I would get to see bohk-soong-ah and make sure little one is healthy. But... now that I'm a couple days away. butterflies* I'm sure Jon and I will be ecstatic regardless of the sex. Plus whichever one we don't get this time around, we could try for again next time.
... okay lets not get ahead of ourselves ;]
*skipping lanes*

My great auntie sent me these photos. Isn't it beautiful? It's a flower found primarily in Thailand, Myanmar, and India. Parrot Flower is what they call it. Can you see why? Wow. It's things like this that make me so excited about bohk-soong-ah. I can't wait to show little one all that the good Lord has created for us.
Talk to you soon.
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