I talked to my mom and granny last night over Facetime. I miss them so much. You don't know how glad I am that we bought her(granny) an iPad while we were there last. Yeah my granny's down with the times. I usually speak to them about 8pm which makes it around 9am over in South Korea. It's so cute to see them all awake and refreshed. My granny always seems so happy that I call right when she wakes up.

I was raised by my granny and great grandmother for the most part. My dad had passed away when I was still a wee thing and it left all the major responsibilities to my mom. She did what she could for us. My grandmother worked to pay for the small things while my mother the mortgage and so forth. So, I spent most of my after school time with my great granny. My mom eventually moved back in with us and we were whole again. Definitely not perfect, but we were together. Sometimes I want to just beat myself up for not realizing this sooner. I was in high school and my hormones were racing. In a blink of an eye, we were in New York and down the line I had moved in with Jon. Now five years later my folks are back in Korea and I find myself missing them terribly.
If I learned anything from my childhood it would be that living a "family life" is no easy feat. Money, ambition, and temptation are only a few things that can threaten beautiful lives. But a family is something you not only live for, but fight for. I have no regrets so far and am positive my life will be just as fulfilling as Jon and I, both, continue to grow personally through date nights, hobbies and friendships, but it will be bohk-soong-ah's life that we devote ourselves to each and every day.
So, my dear dear bohk-soong-ah
As you grow bigger and bigger by the day, please know that you are now our beginning, middle, and our end. I dread the day you want to go sky diving, or attend your first frat/sorority party, or God forbid, go on your first date. I am selfishly enjoying the fact that you are tucked away inside me where I can keep you safe and protect you. Every tingle or flutter I feel reminds me that your arrival is the clock we live by. Your daddy and I have been through so many amazing things together, but I'm sure that you will be our biggest adventure yet.
I find myself wide eyed and on track. I'm racing with myself to find the best things for you. Prepare for your arrival. There is no doubt in my voice, but as determined as I am I've never needed so much assistance and reassurance. I never knew that I would be so appreciative that your daddy is quiet when I am angry. He is the voice of reason and the perfect balance to your mommy's fiery approach. If I could promise you one thing it would be that we will fight for you and all the things in life you deserve. We love you always.
What a sweet post! Your little one is lucky to have such a caring mother. Sounds like you'll be a natural ;) Good luck with the remainder of your pregnancy! It can get pretty uncomfortable as the baby grows bigger, but it's also a definite sign that it's growing healthy and strong :)